Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Yoga Inversions - Seeing Your World Turned Upside Down

Headstands...the mention of this pose in a Yoga class can at once strike both excitement and fear among students. Inversions are dynamic, challenging poses and while some view them as an exciting challenge, others may feel a knot develop in their stomach at the mere mention of it. Why? Well, that's what I'd like to address in this article. By discovering the true essence of inversion asanas, we can better understand our reactions to them as well as how they can affect and benefit our daily life.

Inversion yoga asanas are poses that place the feet above the head during the practice.
When attempting these poses it is important to be properly prepared; these are not postures that you should just jump right into. By preparing properly and being extremely mindful of proper body alignment, you can significantly reduce your risk of injury. Other things to keep in mind when trying inversions are the strength of the neck, pre-existing injuries or conditions such as high blood pressure, glaucoma or detached retina. Women who are pregnant or menstruating should not practice these poses. If you're new to inversions, I'd recommend practicing them under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher.

The physical benefits of inversion asanas include improved circulation and increased strength and balance, improved concentration and increased vitality. These poses can be very demanding, it's important to be able to breathe fully and rhythmically while holding the pose. Yoga is after all, a meditation in motion. Proper breathing is key when it comes to maintaining the pose. These poses require significant core and shoulder strength - moment to moment awareness is the secret to balance.

On the emotional side, inversion asanas are about releasing/overcoming fear. For many people, the idea of being upside down is frightening. This a common and normal reaction to having your world turned upside down. When we move through this fear, we feel a sense of accomplishment and our confidence is boosted; we discover our own inner strength. This has a trickle down effect into our daily life, allowing us a more confident, relaxed approach when we encounter other obstacles.


Texas, Certified Personal Trainer & Yoga Instructor at The Fitness Underground- Los Angeles http://www.thefitnessunderground.com

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